Danny Vaughn The Grace London 2022
  • Date: Sun 4th December 2022
  • Doors Open: 19:00
  • Price: £15.00

On Point Pres.

Danny Vaughn

Live at The Grace, London

During Lockdown, Danny Vaughn kept everyone entertained with his weekly Vaughnsdaylivestream shows; over 2 hours of songs covering his entire career, as well as songs by artists thateither influenced him or just personally mean a lot to him. Now, Danny Vaughn is bringing you“Vaughnsday On The Road”! Afterdoing so many shows online from home over the past 2 yearsDanny is dying to get out and play for a live audience again and wants to bring the samefun anddedication that went into those broadcasts from home into a live show for you. Expect to hearsongs from Danny’s rich musical history; Waysted, Tyketto, Solo, Covers. We look forward toseeing youcome out and support Danny live as it is his first tour in almost 3 years and he’s goingto give you his all in these shows.


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