EFG London Jazz Festival: Phoenician Blinds

  • Date: Sat 23rd November 2019
  • Doors Open: 19:00
  • Supported By: Tsvey Kipperim
  • On Sale: Tickets Open

Phoenician Blinds are a jazz quartet with leanings of hip hop and soul, comprised of the virtuous Tom Sochas on piano, a funk twist with Oli Cross on bass, straight talking grooves from Filippo Giangrande on drums and silkworm melodies from Julian Knapp on saxophone.

Together they create dynamic soundscapes that can take any audience on an searching journey beyond the realm of jazz standards. The band released their second studio album in 2018 and after several years on the local jazz circuit, they are ready for this, their debut EFG London Jazz Festival show.

Expect the intimate feel found so frequently on record to be replicated in this close knit venue, and to be guided delicately and expertly through the expansive, exploratory compositions.

With Tsvey Kipperim on support, a duo comprised of Don Kipper – a multi award-winning ensemble playing a wide range of traditional musical forms reflecting the cultural diversity of North East London – in their performances they take an audience on an odyssey through East European Jewish Music, Romani Music, and rural folk traditions from around the Balkans and the Mediterranean.


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