This show is postponed due to Covid. A new date will be announced ASAP.
Scruff of the Neck Records Presents:
Shelter Boy
Live at The Grace, London
Shelter Boy might be considered a newbie to the music scene as a profound solo artist, yet he surely does not happen to be an unfamiliar face to the indie scene. Before Simon Graupner started writing and releasing his very own music under the telling moniker that is Shelter Boy, he primarily identified as the guitar player of Still Trees, a band delivering melodic, as well as, euphoric brit and surf rock for almost ten years. Whereas his main band allowed him to gently grow into the role of a musician, he soon learned to raise his voice by also contributing vocals to the songs of Still Trees. Apart from both artist names’ sharing a slight ambiguity in terms of their meaning, they remarkably differ in style.
In fact, Simon’s new chapter as a self-conscious solo artist, which he started two years ago with the release of his debut single Half Asleep writes a different, much more personal story. It emphasizes the rise of potent musician who grows as his discography expands. Half Asleep as a debut single appeared programmatic as to what we could expect from Simon in the following two years. In spite of audible traces harkening back to the charming surf rock of former days, his current musical output unveils 23-year-old Simon as a pop aficiando, whose jangle-guitar infused sound tells personal stories that oscillate between the carrying a heavy heart while living with a jauntily mind.